Monday, July 18, 2011


I thought I'd share a couple fun games from my class last week.  I took a bunch of pictures at the show-and-tell, but I forgot to take any pictures of what I made!!  Oh well, that is a post for another time.
This one is a fun way to see how many words you can make using the word family in the star and the consonant cheat sheet.
A couple fun upper- and lower-case matching game.  It's amazing how many kids don't have this skill and how much they enjoy playing this game!
An easy to make and play rhyming game.  This is a very tricky skill for many kids these days.  We all had nursery rhymes as kids, but they just aren't as popular as they used to be.  Playing around with words and their sounds is such an important foundational skill for reading, well maybe it'll get popular again. :)  At any rate, I thought these might be fun to show and easy to make.  If I remember, I'll take pics of my games ( I made 12 finished ones and another 13 that need to be finished later).

Have a great Monday!  I'm off to visit my friends at The Cape, but no worries I have posts scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday while I am gone. :)

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