Friday, March 8, 2013

Warm Thoughts

With daylight savings around the corner, one starts thinking of warm weather fun.  Sadly, the weather outside is not cooperating right now. :(  That being said, I thought I would share a couple of shots from our trip to St. John, USVI last April.  Truly the pictures don't do it justice.

We spend lots of time in the summer up in Wells, Maine and in the peak season, there's traffic to fight on Route 1 that resembles something that residents of LA county deal with on a daily basis.  Not so on St. John's.  The 5 o'clock traffic "jam" lasted 3 minutes.  We parked- FOR FREE- at most beaches (there are only a couple that charge) and when the sun began to hide behind too many palm trees, we picked up our stuff and headed down the road to the next beach. :)

Now getting there is not quick.  It involves 2 planes and a ferry- at minimum.  But once you are there, you never want to leave.  We rented a place via HomeAway (we've rented through that site for every vacation since about 2008 and never had a bad experience) and this was the view FROM THE DRIVEWAY!!! :)  If you ever have the chance to go here, I can't say enough how much it is worth going.

Driving there isn't for the faint of heart.  Switchbacks that curl your hair, and drop-off that add at little more white hairs, but the vistas are stunning.

Well, hope this has you thinking warm thoughts!  Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. As I'm looking at your gorgeous pictures, I am supposed to be enjoying spring break... I say it this way because someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that it was spring break... Temps in the high 30's during the day and low 20's at night is NOT my idea of spring.
    I think I'll just scroll back up and stare at your pics a while longer...sigh...


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!