If I was more on the ball there would be actual bunnies in with these pics. One of my coworkers raises a whole farm load of creatures and brings them in to school for her students to learn about. She has the sweetest rabbits among her menagerie. Alas, you must settle for my paper version of cuteness. :)
All my bunnies and papers came from my LSS which closed its doors this weekend. I thought it might be fun to play with all the goodies I bought during their final sales. My DH is amused that I chose to sit on the floor of the living room to die cut lots of "wabbits".
The reason he is amused is the reason I have been sitting on the floor in the living room. You see it is the best chance for me to spot the pair of red-tailed hawks that are nesting in our backyard. I've spotted the male and the female in our yard. It would be hard to miss the female- she's massive! I had to google hawks because I thought she was too big to be a hawk. They are totally gorgeous, but they have scared away my songbirds. :(
So anyway, DH thinks it is funny that I am making paper rabbit goodies while looking for hawks. :} I figure at some point the hawks will grown bored with my side of the pond, especially when the ice finally thaws and they can get at the fish so I'm taking advantage of their "up closeness" while I can. After all how many times will I have them about 10 feet away from me? How often will I want them that close?!? Maybe they are interested in paper bunnies after all...
Enjoy your Tuesday & if you see Spring tell her to come to visit me!