DH and I were able to go to London over my break (I always hear Joey from Friends saying "London Baby" when I talk about London). It was a much needed distraction after losing Cad since we got to visit some friends that reside there and, most importantly, our "baby" cousin who is living in London this year. We had planned the trip ages ago so we could visit B. She's spending her Junior year of college at studying at SOAS and doing and internship at Parliament. She's also an awesome enabler of papery goodness fun. :)
The ribbon was just sooooo pretty to look at that I had to take pictures. Well and then that meant I HAD to buy some. ;)
The papers were sooo pretty too! This one is made of a ton of cut stars. If I could have gotten it home without ruining it, it would be sitting in front of me right now. LOL!
Well, I think I'll head to my studio to create something. I have no excuse not to after all this inspiration!!!
Oooo, I almost forgot! I won a Grow Your Blog Giveaway over at Amybeads. Why does this matter you ask? *wink* As it turns out, Amy and I are neighbors! Who knew? We are hoping to meet up next week. If I remember, I'll try to take pics. Then I'll have to remember to post them! LOL!
Have a cozy evening!
Our "must-do" list from B blissfully included the store Paperchase (she is The Best!). It is a chain over there and is similar to the Paper Source stores we have here in The States. I took a bazillion pictures, but tried to narrow it down to just a few that inspired me. I'll have to take pics of what I bought- and then of course make goodies with that stuff too. :)
The ribbon was just sooooo pretty to look at that I had to take pictures. Well and then that meant I HAD to buy some. ;)
The papers were sooo pretty too! This one is made of a ton of cut stars. If I could have gotten it home without ruining it, it would be sitting in front of me right now. LOL!
Well, I think I'll head to my studio to create something. I have no excuse not to after all this inspiration!!!
Oooo, I almost forgot! I won a Grow Your Blog Giveaway over at Amybeads. Why does this matter you ask? *wink* As it turns out, Amy and I are neighbors! Who knew? We are hoping to meet up next week. If I remember, I'll try to take pics. Then I'll have to remember to post them! LOL!
Have a cozy evening!