Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Hope this day finds you able to spend time with loved ones around a table heaped with turkey goodness!
I'm thankful for the inspiration I have found over the years at this party! I'm sharing this tablescape with folks there. Thanks Everyone!
We are going to my SIL's place for the big meal, but I decorated the table here for us to enjoy throughout November. I'm proud to say that we ate several meals together at the table this month! We tend to eat late and catch up on a DVR'd program, but not this November. Pardon the angle. I was trying to catch all of the table and cabinet without catch the blue & purple post-its on the wall to the left. My DH is still working on my birthday present from August. I asked for him to put together our combined family tree. We had big chunks of info already, but you'd be surprised how many gaps you find when you sit down to put one of these together!! I'm truly thankful for my Gram Ahboo (that's my nickname for her) who had TONS of info both on paper and in her head!

The scarecrow Mom made years ago and is supposed to light up, but I thought he looked cute here so I took out the bulb 'n cord. She made the pumpkin too. The turkey "art" was a $5 snag at HomeGoods this year and the printers tray I grabbed this summer up in Wells with grand plans to fill it. ;)
My MIL gave me the pilgrims a couple years back when I mentioned how I had so much for Halloween & Christmas, but so little for Thanksgiving. The candlesticks were acquired from family hand-me-downs and thrift shops, the flowers, gourds, and "glass" acorns are all Dollar Store finds.
I love these turkeys!!!! They are one of my favorite finds from last year (I think it was just last year- the years are flying by these days!!!)
The place cards I made a few years back to bring to the Family Thanksgiving Dinner, but I wanted to see how they looked on this table too. ;) The dishes are our good china and are a hand-me-down from my Aunt Helen. We love them, but never use them because they have to be hand washed. We really should use them though.
This is my most favorite catch this year. This HUGE leaf lantern I got for $7 at HomeGoods. LOVE it! I filled it with 5 battery operated candles. With those candles and the real ones on the table & wall put off a beautiful glow at night. We've been eating by candlelight at the table and it is so pretty. :)
Our decorated wine rack. Honestly if it stands still long enough, everything gets decorated in my house. The corn is a gorgeous wine color IRL. The accordion fold art is from a class I took and though you can't see it, the flower pot is one I painted with a giant sunflower. Remember when toll painting was all the rage in crafting? The "messy" looking thing in the front is a knitted nest and it is fabulous.
It cost a pretty penny and I had to wait a year, but it was totally worth it. My Harvest Nest came on my birthday last year and it is squeal-worthy pretty. The gal who makes these is such a LOVELY person. You can meet her and find out more about her nests
Hope you had fun checking out my table. We are off to enjoy some turkey with family in NH now. Please leave the shopping until tomorrow. Be thankful if you are lucky enough to enjoy spending time with your family and friends today. Not everyone is blessed enough to have this opportunity.