The kids did a great job in spite of the terrible heat we had last week. I didn't take photo's of the letters they wrote because their names are included, but the letters are precious.

All the kids had to read the "How to Make a Card" as part of the process of creating their card front. After my first group I realized that they shouldn't put bows and buttons on their cards until after they wrote their letter because they needed the whole inside of the card to write their letter! It was a good learning experience.
After the cards were done (sorta) each group had a chance to write a letter of thanks to a soldier. Regardless of anyone's feelings about fighting, or having troops in Iraq or Afghanistan, it's important for our men and women to know that people back home care about them.

Hopefully these cards with bring a little sunshine to deployed troops. If you'd like to have your kids write a letter, or you yourself would like to send a note from home, please go to Operation Write Home to get all the details. This is a great cause and it's a great way to put your creative talents to use in pay-it-forward style!
***Please leave comments for the kids about their cards. They will be so excited to hear what all of you have to say.